Friday, October 5, 2007

We're walkin baby!

Need I say more?

No, but I will anyway. Bryant has been working hard to perfect his "Frankenstien walk." Out go both arms and he bobbles around half controlled to his next destination. It can be quite fun. He has also mastered backing down the stairs. However, we find it less stressful to leave the baby gate up so that we don't have any long tumbles down the stairs to the front door.

Now you might be wondering why our last post was over a month ago, and I know that most of you have put your live's temporarily on hold until you can catch up on the powerfully interesting details of our little family. For this I'm sorry, but let me explain. Amy recently started a full time job working from home. This new job, coupled with taking care of Bryant and myself takes so much of her time, that she has had to set some tasks aside. So please, go on with your lives. We might not update often, but we will get around to it eventually. Plus, if you feel behind, just come stop by the house and see first hand what's goin on. Just know that you might be given a task such as starting dinner or a load of laundry.

1 comment:

Jeff and Necia said...

HOW ADORABLE! I love the "Frankenstein" stage! I wish we were there to see it. Great little must be fabulous parents because he always seems like such a happy little guy. :o)

Miss you! Hopefully it won't be too long before we see you.