We left for Reno on Friday August 3rd and it took us about 8 1/2 hours to get to my Uncle Bill and Aunt Shirley's house from Sisters. We spent a week in Reno visiting with family and seeing
the sights. We went up to Squaw Valley, which some of you may know was the sight of the 1964 Winter Olympics. We took a tram ride up to the top where there was an amazing view of the the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range as well as Lake Tahoe off in the distance. There was about a 3500 foot elevation change from Reno to where the tram dropped us off and needless to say the weather was much different as well. We went from the low 90's in Reno to probably right around 60 with some serious wind gusts, it was beautiful, but chilly. I brought a jacket and light blanket for Bryant,
but the rest of us were a little unprepared.
After a few photos, we went inside to check out the Olympic museum and get out of the wind.
but the rest of us were a little unprepared.
After a few photos, we went inside to check out the Olympic museum and get out of the wind.
Me, My Mom and Bryant (notice the wind???) :-)
The rest of our time in Reno was mostly spent visiting. Bryant got to meet my cousin Kim and her kids Alex (7) and Becca (2).
We left Reno on Friday August 10th early in the morning (5am) and set out for my Mom's house in Troutdale. The trip, on a good day, should take just short of 10 hours. I should have known when we were stopped for 45 min. for construction 2 hours into the journey that this was NOT going to be a 10 hour trip. We didn't arrive at my Mom's house until about 6:30 that evening, 13 1/2 hours later.

We left Reno on Friday August 10th early in the morning (5am) and set out for my Mom's house in Troutdale. The trip, on a good day, should take just short of 10 hours. I should have known when we were stopped for 45 min. for construction 2 hours into the journey that this was NOT going to be a 10 hour trip. We didn't arrive at my Mom's house until about 6:30 that evening, 13 1/2 hours later.
Bryant, Becca & My Mom
There were a variety of issues, none of them involving Bryant, but the biggest cause for the delay was commuter traffic on I-5. It took us literally 2 1/2 hours to get from Woodburn to my Mom's house, which is only about 40 miles, it was completely ridiculous and I think I mentioned more than once that this traffic was exactly why I moved to Sisters where we don't even have a stop light. :-) You may notice as you look at these pictures that Bryant has an ouchie on his little nose, let me explain, it is quite sad...as I mentioned above, our car ride home from Reno took 13 hours, so Bryant was thrilled to be out of the car at the end of that ride. When we got to my Mom's, I let him crawl around in the living room, while I unpacked the cooler and supervised him. He went over to the back screen door and pulled himself up to a standing position only to have the screen tear away from the frame of the door and he fell through it, face first and landed on her paver patio. He stopped crying as soon as I picked him up, but I lost it when I saw his face all torn up and his nose bleeding, so he started crying again when he noticed me panicking. He is just fine and his nose (thanks to my putting Neosporin on it 6 times a day) has healed remarkably well. Poor little guy, it is the first of many bumps and scrapes, but that doesn't make is any less sad.
While at my Mom's house, we got to visit with my buddy Erin who lives in Las Vegas, and was in town for our 10 year class reunion. Erin has a little girl, Lauryn (1) and a boy Jacob (7). Bryant and I went to the picnic part of the class reunion, but I didn't bother with the dinner/dancing portion of the weekend because it was expensive and we were driving home from Nevada, so there was just too much going on.
Class Reunion Shot, I am in the back center
my friend Erin, her son Jacob and daughter Lauryn
I also had the opportunity to go and visit my friends Garrett and Carrington who had triplets on July 1st. I spent about 2 hours holding babies, changing a couple of diapers and I even got to feed Gabriel. I was so tickled when I got there, Gabriel was wearing the preemie outfit that Bryant came home from the hospital in, it actually made me want to have another baby, if you can believe that!!!!
Garrett with all three babies,
pretty talented Daddy!!
We stayed very busy while at my Mom's house visiting with friends and family, it was a whirlwind, but very, very FUN!! It was hard to say goodbye to my Mom and head home, but we were very anxious to see Daddy, and he was anxious to see us too!
(Right) Bryant and my Dad with my Dad's prized Mustang
Those are some pretty adorable pictures! Bryant sure does a good job smiling for the camera.
I'm glad you had a good time on your trip, but I'm sure its also good to be home. :o) Hope the three of you are enjoying being together again.
Miss you!
Hey Amy,
You've been tagged! Check out my blog for the rules. It was so fun seeimg you!
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