That's right, it is official, Bryant is now 1 year old. I guess he really isn't Baby Bryant anymore. I swore I wouldn't have a big party for his first birthday because I didn't want to overdo something he wasn't going to remember, but the more I thought about it, the more fun it seemed. Plus I could never let the opportunity slide to have chocolate cake and ice cream!!
On Saturday, October 27th, we transformed our little house in Sister into Birthday Central. We tried to restrain ourselves and only invited family, but we still ended up with more than 20 people in our little townhouse. Thank goodness it was nice outside and we could overflow on to the patio. Despite the fact that there were lots of people and what could be an overwhelming event for a one year old, Bryant did awesome. H

is Grammy (Jeremy's Mom) brought over balloons and I have to say that was probably his favorite part of the whole day. Bryant's favorite word/expression is "oh" and he said it with conviction throughout the day, but never with as much enthusiasm as when the balloons arrived. Bryant's Grandpa (my Dad) and his wife Robin, drove over from Canby (2 1/2 hour drive) for the party and then drove home after the party, but anyone who knows my Dad knows he doesn't miss an opportunity for cake either!!! Jeremy's brother Jeff and his wife Necia also drove over on Saturday morning for Bryant's celebration from Portland.

During the party, Bryant was happy and social and made his rounds like a true host. He wandered in and out the back door, always getting on his tummy to back down the stairs, he even got little scrapes on both of his shins from sliding up and down the paver step and he never once cried. He ate a little lunch before our guests arrived and then enjoyed 2nd lunch of pizza during the party. Daddy helped him open presents and so did 5 of his cousins, it was quite a scene and I am still not completely sure who the presents came from!

After presents we had cake and he smiled while we all sang Happy Birthday to him. He LOVED the cake. We gave him his own piece on a plate and he picked up the whole thing and ate on it for a while then put it down and picked up the top half and when he was finished he threw the whole piece of cake, frosting side down on the floor. It was hysterical and perfect and exactly what I expected. After all, I rarely get through a meal with him without something ending up on

the floor. He was such a trooper and after all the family filtered out, he took a short nap and when he came downstairs he said "Oh" at the balloons and new toys, he was renewed and ready to play again. It was an awesome day and really incredible to celebrate the birth of our priceless, amazing, inspiring little gift from God.

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