As I look at my sweet little boy growing and changing by the minute, it is hard to believe that at this time last year we were anxiously awaiting his arrival and safety. So much has changed in the last year and it truly feels as though our lives were totally incomplete before Bryant. Next Friday Bryant turns 1 year old and he has managed to perfect many skills in the last year. As you read in our last blog posting, he is walking like a pro and even attempting to run (especially when the kitty is in his path). He says "Oh" with such enthusiasm at almost everything that he turns heads in the grocery store. He has also become extremely social and although he can't quite say "Hi" his high pitched squeal at passersby always elicits a smile. I am amazed at how much he picks up on just by watching his daddy and I. He knows to lift up his feet when I am holding a sock or shoe, he opens his mouth when I hold up a toothbrush, he will help me pick up toys and put them in the bucket or toy box and he is amazing at knocking down a stack of blocks. When you say "bye-bye" he begins to wave and he can shake his head "no" quite profusely. Bryant speaks a language all his own and seems to be constantly babbling about something or the other, it is the most precious sound I have ever heard.

As Jeremy mentioned in our last posting, I am now working from home and caring for Bryant. There are days where doing both are difficult, but for the most part, my job is extremely flexible and I can work on assorted tasks when time permits throughout the day. I really could not have hoped for a better home-based job. I love the people I work for, the actual work challenges me to a degree (but not too much!), and the interaction with other adults during the day has been a really nice change.
Jeremy's business is winding down for the winter (we actually had our first snow overnight last night) and he is anxiously awaiting his next hunt on November 10th. Besides hunting, Jeremy is going to be helping his brother-in-law Mike, who is going to be building us a new house. We are so excited at the prospect of a larger home. We will be building right here in Sisters, just about a 1/4 mile from where we currently live. Our new house will be a little over 2300 square feet and have 3 bedrooms and a bonus room which is significantly bigger than the 2 bedroom townhouse we are in now. We don't have a date for completion, but hopefully we will be moving in sometime in late Spring 2008.
Well, that is a brief rundown in the lives of the Davis' of Sisters. I will post some more pictures and videos next week after we visit the pumpkin patch and Bryant's First Birthday next Saturday. We hope you are all well and enjoying the Fall.
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