Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Last week Amy's mom Karen came over to our neck of the woods to spend a few days with Bryant. She came to witness the coos, smiles, and sneezes that only a grandparent could appreciate.

While she was here, Amy and I went out on our first childless date in several months. We had burgers at Deschutes Brewery followed by some glow in the dark cosmic bowling where I graciously let her win. I find that if you let your spouse win at the meaningless sports such as bowling, (is it even a sport?) it does great things for their self esteem and well being. For instance, Amy couldn't quit talking about her narrow victory for days. Anyways, I hope she doesn't take up golf.

Save meaningless games of bowling, life is pretty good here in Sisters. The first picture is the view out our living room window. OK, not really, but I did have to slam on the brakes to let this herd of elk cross the road a couple of mornings ago.


Jeff and Necia said...

glad that you guys took advantage of the grandma visit and went for a date. sorry about the bowling. it stinks when our wifes are better at stuff then we are. at least bowling is not a real sport:)

so let me get this straight a bunch of elk jump up out in front of your moving vehicle and you manage to stop and find your camera and take a picture. now thats impressive. i am sure i would have smashed into one or rolled off the road looking for my camera.


Jeff and Necia said...

Those are some really great pictures! What a beautiful sky in the first one, and what an ADORABLE picture of bryant smiling like that! I love seeing all these new changes.

Way to go on the bowling Amy. :P

Hope to see you guys soon.
