Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bryant's Big Bash

Today our sweet little boy turned 2. It was sort of nostalgic for me to look back on where we were 2 years ago today and remember all the time spent in the hospital awaiting his arrival and the wonderful memories that come with the birth of a new baby. He is such and amazing, sweet, kind, helpful, loving, busy, smart little guy, the last 2 years have truly been a blast. Jeremy and I decided to go ahead and have a party for him, realizing he wouldn't care either way, because we finally have a space suitable for entertaining. The party was Saturday evening and we had about 25 people over for pizza, cake and ice cream. The weather really could not have been more beautiful, 70+ degrees at the end of October! The kids were able to spend most of their time playing together outside and Bryant loved the commotion and activity of all those playmates.

Asher had his own buddies to play with at the friend Regan and her husband Dave came over with their daughter Colby, who is exactly one month younger than Asher, and Jeremy's cousin Paul and his wife Shauna brought their kiddos, the youngest one is Crosby and he is 4 days older than Asher. We had to take the opportunity to capture a shot of all the babies together when everyone was awake, happy and not hungry, and believe me, those moments are few and far between with 3 new babies. (Carrington, my friend with triplets is probably the only one reading this that can TRULY understand!) :-) (In the picture with the three babies, from left to right: Asher, Colby, Crosby)
Bryant had a fantastic day and loved every minute of the party from the pizza (maybe his favorite dinner), to the "yummy orange pop" and chocolate cake, oh and don't forget about the presents. He had more help than he could possibly ask for when it comes to opening presents, I think Jeremy was a bit overwhelmed, but Bryant was a true host, sharing all his new presents with his cousins and loving every minute of it.
Bryant woke up this morning, on his actual birthday, and asked me "where'd everyone go?", I guess he figured the party would continue after he got out of bed, very cute! Anyway, for those of you who were not able to make it to the bash, we wanted to share some pictures of the event for you.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Asher Smiles

It is late, and as the Mommy of any small child knows, sleep is precious, and sleeping is what I should be doing, but instead my mind is racing with a million and one things I need to do tonight, tomorrow, next, in an effort to calms these thoughts, I am writing on the blog, so hopefully I won't bore you all too much!

The picture above is Asher on his Grammy's (Jeremy's Mom) lap at the Women of Faith Conference in Portland a few weeks ago. Asher was one of few males in a room filled with literally thousands of women and I had to caputre the moment. I attended the conference on Friday night and all day Saturday and being Asher's primary food source, he came too. He was amazing! The conference was Friday evening for 3 hours and all day Saturday 9am-5pm and despite close quarters and LOUD music, talking and clapping, he was an angel baby, really, I debated whether I should even bother, but he did amazing and it helped to have so many welcoming arms to rock and cuddle him.

Asher is changing so much, it is hard to believe he is almost 4 months old and our big boy Bryant is turning 2 on Sunday, time seriously does fly. We have been making an effort to capture the moments of our lives with these two sweet boys, but too often we are just busy enjoying th moment and forget to pull out the camera, we will have to get better about that.

I wanted to post a quick video that is sure to lift anyone's spirits of Asher's conversation with me the other day while he was laying in my lap and I was trying to work, this was one moment where the camera was close at hand and I was so thankful!

The picture to the left is my good buddy Regan and she is holding her little girl Colby on the right and Asher on the left. There is exactly one month between them, Asher is older, but can you see why, when we go places together we are constantly asked if they are twins, it is hysterical, we should start keeping a tally of how often we are asked that!

Here are a few more pics of the boys over the last couple of weeks...we visited the pumpkin patch and I will have to get Jeremy to upload those pictures in the next couple of days, they are darling!!