Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas and the End of 2008

Christmas 2008 has come and gone and I have to say I am always a little saddened when the Christmas season comes to a close. I love having the tree and Nativity up and sitting by a warm fire while it snows outside, there is nothing more calming. Christmas in the Davis household was truly a lot of fun this year. We talked to Bryant about Jesus' birthday and explained the Nativity scene to him practically daily...Murray(known to many as Mary) and Baby Jesus were easily identified by Bryant and by the time Christmas rolled around, he was even able to tell us that they were in the stable because there was "no room", "all full" (referring of course to the Inn that turned away Mary and Joseph.

I have to say that I have never had more fun than watching my boys, okay mostly just Bryant :-), open presents and spend the day playing with everything. My Mom came over for the week and despite some nasty winter weather, was able to make it over thanks to a ride from Jeremy's brother Jeff and his wife Necia. (Thanks again!!) We had a wonderful week of shopping, cooking and sitting around visiting. On Christmas Eve we got a pretty decent amount of snow, and as I was turning off the lights and heading up to bed around midnight on Christmas Eve, there was these amazing, huge snowflakes coming down outside and just the Christmas Tree was lit and there was a fire in the fireplace, there was just something so amazing and quiet about the whole scene, and a wonderful sense of peace. I had a chance to truly reflect and be thankful for God's gift of Jesus and the sacrifice he made for each of us.

We were blessed to spend time with both Jeremy's family as well as my Mom. There were many wonderful photo opportunities and I wanted to share some of the fun memories with all of you. We hope your Christmas was wonderful and wish you a Happy New Year!

The deer picture was taken from our back door on Christmas Eve, we received about 2 feet of snow when all the storms of the week rolled through, and I just thought this was a really beautiful shot.


Carrington said...

Wow, Amy, what beautiful pictures! The deer and snow are breathtaking, but I have to say there is nothing quite so special as happy little boys on Christmas morning. I'm so glad to hear your Christmas was wonderful and family filled. It sounds absolutely idyllic. Love to you and the family.

Charlie and Robin said...

Amy & Jeremy,
Thanks for sharing your pictures and your Christmas story. You described a beautiful scene with the fireplace and snow. It is good to see that God has blessed you with so much love. Loved the pic of Bryant and his big boy truck. Love Dad and Robin