As some of you know, we were blessed with the opportunity to take a vacation with Jeremy's parents, his sister and her family and his brother and wife. We just returned a few days ago from a whirlwind vacation that took us down to Indio California (Palm Springs area), Oceanside California, and home through Reno Nevada. We opted to drive the 1000 miles down to our vacation destination in lieu of flying with 2 small kids (we decided it was the less stressful of the two options.) The kids were amazing in the car. We took 2 days to get down there and 3 days to come home and all-in-all, they did really well with all the sitting. Our hotel in Indio was beautiful and included a private hot tub on the balcony overlooking a golf course. The weather was fairly cooperative, with only 1 day of rain during the entire week. We visited the Living Desert in Palm Desert which

is an animal sanctuary with some really cool exhibits including Camels and Big Horned Sheep and they had a petting zoo where the kids were able to brush goats (this may have been their favorite part of the whole park!) After 4 days in Indio, we drove to Oceanside CA, which is on the coast directly between Anaheim and San Diego. This was Bryant's first trip to the beach and despite the cooler conditions (high 60's) he really had a fun time playing in the sand with his cousins. A trip to the LA area isn't complete without a visit with Mickey, so we all took one day and drove to Anaheim to the happiest place on earth (or the worst, depending upon how patient a person is with waiting in line.) We had assumed with it being a random Thursday in February that the park would be on the quiet side, but I think everyone else had the same i

dea. Disneyland was packed, and when we asked some employees about why it was so busy, they were baffled. Disneyland even decided to remain open past the planned close time of 9pm to accomodate all the extra visitors. It was a beautiful day, nearly 80, so maybe that bro

ught out some of the locals. Although I know Bryant won't remember the trip, he really did have a great time and went on all the ride's his height would allow, including the Matterhorn, a roller coaster in toon town and Pirate's of the Carribean (twice). He loved the thrill rides and didn't tire of the lines or the rides. Asher even got to go on a ride, I took him with us on It's a Small World which was just rennovated and reopened this month and he was squealing and smiling, it was adorable.

On our way home from California, we stopped in Reno to spend a night with my Uncle Bill and Aunt Shirley and visit my cousin and her family. Bryant managed to pick up a bug towards the end of our trip, so he wasn't feeling too well, but he was a trooper as was Asher with missing naps, sleeping in new beds and adjusting their schedules to meet the needs of the greater good. All in all it was a fun and restful trip and we are so thankful for the chance to get away as a family and even though Jeremy, Asher and I have all managed to get sick we are all very happy to be home!