Halloween at our house took on a whole new meaning this year. Bryant really got into the pumpkin carving with Daddy and wanted to participate in every detail of the process. He carried around the pumpkin scoop (or shovel as he calls it) all weekend, and is still very excited when we go in our out the front door and see the pumpkins. I was pleasantly surprised that he actually tolerated and was extremely patient with his little Halloween costume too. Jeremy's sister, Jill, had a little puppy costume that she bought for her youngest son Baylor to wear, but Baylor wanted nothing to do with the puppy costume and so Bryant got to use it this year and he looked adorable. We dressed Asher up in this sweet little green dragon/monster sleeper and they were both darling (of course!) :-)

I think I mentioned in last year's post that Sister's does this little trick or treat parade for kids under 7 and it is a late afternoon outing, so little ones aren't out in the dark trick or treating. The weather was threatening all day, but beautiful while we participated in the parade. Bryant rode in the new wagon he got for his birthday, and he really seemed to enjoy the whole process of saying trick or treat and thank you, and best of all, he got a lot of sucker balls (or for those of you who don't speak "toddler", he got a lot of suckers in his candy bag!)
Asher spent the whole parade sleeping in the baby pack, but I am pretty sure he thoroughly enjoyed his first Halloween. We have LOTS of candy at our house, so if you are in the neighborhood and need a little chocolate boost, stop by, we would really love to share.
Below is a shot I took of Asher Halloween night playing on his changing table and short little video of the excited baby. We have this cute little mirror that he loves to look in and we always get big smiles when he is looking up at the darling baby in the mirror~

1 comment:
I just can't get over what dolls your boys are. *smile*
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