Jeremy has a big elk hunt this week, and in preparation for that hunt, the three of us went out on a hiking/scouting trip last Saturday. It was so warm and wonderful, it almost felt like early summer and Bryant did awesome in the backpack. We were probably out for about 3 hours and Jeremy and I split the time carrying Bryant on our backs. I have to say that there is a HUGE difference between early in the summer when I was trekking up Black Butte with Bryant on my back and this Fall. He is so heavy in that backpack, but it was way worth it to get us all outside and having fun together. The area we hiked in is the former site of the B&B fire, I think it was about 4 years ago, so there was a lot of soot and burned wood, we were all covered in it by the time the hike was over. When we got to a spot where we decided t
This afternoon Bryant and I ventured out for a walk with our friends Angel, Madison and Zoey. At the end of the walk we played for a while at a new playground just down the street from our house. The playground is awesome for little tykes because it has two little, and I do mean little slides and the whole thing is surrounded by mounds of bark chips, perfect for little bodies c
Well, I think that about catches you all up to speed. The weather is supposed to take a turn tomorrow, no snow, but the rain and wind will likely keep us home bound for a few days. Hope you are all enjoying lots of sunshine!!
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