Once again it has been way too long since our last post. Bryant is amazing and growing by leaps and bounds. He can now pivot in any direction on his tummy and when we put him on the wood floor he pushes himself backwards into some very precarious positions. So far there is nothing this boy won't eat, evidenced by the fact that at his 6 month check-up he weighed in at a very healthy 18 lbs. (50% percentile for those of you who were wondering!!)
In the last few weeks we have been very busy...we visited our friend Lauren and her new baby Trevor (pictured below) and we helped my brother Adam move into his new house, well I did all the heavy lifting while Bryant napped in the backpack as I carried him. (Talk about a workout!)

This last week Bryant,
Aunti Necia (Jeremy's little brother Jeff's wife) and I hiked up Black Butte. We had some beautiful weather, in the 80's, and wanted to get out and enjoy it. Black Butte is a pretty steady uphill climb for about 2 miles, but you are rewarded with and absolutely stunning view of about 7 Central Oregon Mountains, awesome!! Bryant did wonderfully in the backpack and I think he really enjoyed being outside and seeing new things. We have also been swimming several times and he is getting to love the water more each time.

My very first Mother's Day with Bryant was perfect. My brother and his wife Krista and daughter Cortlyn (almost 2!) came over on Saturday night and my Mom was here for the weekend. Bryant was dedicated at Church on Mother's Day and he slept through the whole process. After church we all had a wonderful brunch at Black Butte Lodge. It was a perfect day and I am so thankful to celebrate being a mommy!!
Today we are headed over to Portland to go to Aunti Necia's graduation. She is getting her Doctorate in Physical Therapy and deserves truly deserves an extra special celebration.
We hope you are all well!!
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