Well, we are taking an avenue inspired by the great Reverend Jeffrey James, and Doctor Necia Davis in starting this blog to help keep people up to date with our new little "Punkin." OK, so Jeff doesn't go by Reverend (and hopefully never will) and Necia isn't really a Doctor...yet, but we are inspired by their blogifacating desires. Yes, if you plan to read this on a regular basis, your mind will have to become familiar with many new words which may or may not be words at all, not to mention the run-on/run-off/run-around sentences.
Now, getting down to business and to the point, let us talk about this so-called Punkin. Bryant Chase Davis was born on October 26th at 6 pounds, 4 ounces, 20 inches, and life hasn't been the same since. People warn you about all kinds of things when you are expecting a new member to the family. Late nights, 12 feedings a day, crying, nasty diapers, cluttering toys, crying, spitting up, are just a few of the things we have been diagnosed with as new parents. On top of that, the baby also needs to be fed often, cries sometimes, and poops a lot!
However, through all of life's little interuptions that plague us on a daily basis now that we are a family of three, I can't imagine life without Bryant. He is the best thing that has ever happened to us. I can't possibly find, or even make up, the words to describe how much we love him. We thank God every day that He has blessed us with our beautiful baby boy.
glad to see you have joined the blog world. this is actually my first comment, usually the doc is way ahead of me. this will be a great way to keep up if we have to move to cali.
the rev.
Jeremy, Amy and Bryant:
He is absolutely beautiful - welcome to the world of parenting!
We can't wait to see more pictures and read how he is doing.
Have a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year!
Love and hugs,
Patt, Duke & Gannon
A Blog....
Why....back in my day we didn't have no stinkin blogs. Why I had to walk 10 miles in knee deep snow just to deliver a family picture carved on a piece of 100lb stone that I carried on my back. True story. You kids have it so easy these days. Love you all and I was so glad to see everyone for Christmas last weakend.
Adam Krista and Cortlyn
This is so neet. I can see him every day and say hi when ever I wount. Keep the pictures coming.
He is SO CUTE! At first glance, looks like Jeffy's baby pictures. .
HAPPY NEW YEAR you three & Jeremy, you better get your cholesterol checked!
Love you guys, Aunti Dorn
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