Last week Asher had his appointment with OHSU - Casey Eye Inst., and he also got his glasses. Trying to keep glasses on a 5 month has to one of the most ridiculous tasks I've ever heard of, but it does seem to help him see better. Within the last week we have noticed him grasping more things in his hands and playing more intently with his toys. It's hard to say if this is a direct result of the glasses since kids can change and develop so quickly, but if I had to guess I'd say the glasses are helping a great deal. They are however, not the most stylish of eye apparel. I think they look like something Elton John would wear, but there really isn't anything else that would fit him. In fact, these are really a little to big.

Ashers appointment actually went really well...I think. The Dr.'s said we won't truly know how his eyesight is until he is about 6 years old. Basically he needs to be able to help in his prescriptions and be able to communicate by saying this is better or worse. Also, his eyes are still developing.
We will take him back for a follow up in 4 months, but the Dr.'s felt like it was probably not a case of ocular albinism, which is good news, but he definitely if very far sighted and has some nystagmus (involuntary rapid eye movements). But he nystagmus is something that will not get worse, and may even get better. Many people also are not overly bothered by their nystagmus as their brain gets used to interpreting the data that the eyes are bringing it.
Anyway, the Dr.'s were almost non-chalant in attitude which I assume is good and although they couldn't make any certain predictions on how Asher would be able to see in the future, the overall appointment was very encouraging for us and we really felt like we were privileged to go to one of the very best eye care facilities in the nation.

The rest of the trip was good. Thanksgiving was filled with turkey, stuffing, pie, and
wii boxing
tournaments. The kids finished the day by licking the whip cream beaters.

Thank you to everyone that was praying for Asher. We are really thankful that the appointment went well, but are anxious to see how he progresses.
We area also very aware that we are lucky to have to strong healthy kids. Eye problems are serious...but there are so many worse things that we are really thankful for all the things that are just perfect with our kids.