Many fans of Life's Interruptions will notice that our blog has not been updated for a good, hmmm, almost 8 weeks! Interestingly enough, that is the exact age of our little punkin Asher. Coincidence, I think not!
Life in the Davis household is nothing short of busy, that is really the only descriptive word I can come up with. I returned back to work (at home, but working nevertheless) when Asher was 5 weeks old, so between caring for two little ones, still working on organizing the house, working, and daily household activities, updating the blog sadly falls very low in the list of priorities each day. I felt the need to let you all know that we are doing great, and loving every minute of watching our two beautiful boys grow and change.

Bryant seems to be adjusting to his new Baby Asher very well and truthfully I think he can't remember a time when Baby Asher wasn't a part of our lives. He loves to "hold the baby" and he always gives Asher a kiss on the head when he is holding him. Every morning when he gets up, before we do anything else, we have to go find Baby Asher and say Hi. We are working on teaching Bryant that Asher isn't capable of holding toys, playing catch or sharing his snacks, but overall the adjustment has gone really well, much better than I expected.

I was able to start running again last week and thanks to a brand new double jogging stroller I received for my baby shower just before Asher was born, the boys get to come with me for early morning jogs. Asher sleeps and Bryant loves having a buddy next to him. I am feeling great and have been pleasantly surprised at how rapidly I am getting back to my pre-baby pace and distance...it really feels good to be active again.

Jeremy has been very busy between jobs trying to get our house landscaped while maintaining the "paying" jobs. Our yard looks amazing, we have a beautiful pond/water feature in the front, or as Bryant calls it "Daddy's Water" with fish and lots of plants and trees and a nice sized paver patio with a built in planter and a nice grassy area for the boys to play and romp around. We are so thankful for the space our new house provides to spread out, what a difference!! I will get some pictures of the yard posted here shortly, but I thought in the meantime you would all enjoy some pictures of the kiddos!

We are still working on getting our townhouse sold and are praying it will sell very soon. I am going to make a real effort to update this more often, so please hang in there and keep checking back. Love to you all!!!!