Bryant and I recently returned from Portland because I had several work meetings to attend. While we were in Portland, we had the opportunity to go to the Portland Zoo with my sister-in-law Krista, niece Cortlyn and my Mom. This is a picture of Bryant with the Orangutan, he was hilarious and just crawled right up to the glass and looked Bryant right in the eye. Bryant was a little scared at first, but he warmed up pretty quickly. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Bryant is at a pretty fun age to
My family spent Easter in the Portland area and Jeremy's parents are in Indonesia, so Jeremy's sister and her family, Jeremy's brother Jeff and his wife Necia and some cousins from Portland that happened to be in town for Spring Break, all got together and had a nice, relaxing brunch at Black Butte Ranch. Black Butte also hosts a little Easter Egg hunt and the kiddos are divided up into age categories, so we decided to give it a shot with Bryant. The 0-3 category was hysterical, there was basically an egg every 2 inches on this big patch of grass, but it was really fun for Bryant and he actually got the hang of it pretty quickly. Notice the ultr
All in all it was a great Easter for us, and our pastor preached a fantastic sermon that really to the forefront for everyone the importance of the Resurrection of Jesus and the purpose of the day. We hope you all had a great Easter Holiday too!