I am not usually this on top of things in terms of blog postings, but we have been very busy the last 2 days. Jeremy and his crew have been at our house, beginning on Wednesday, tearing out our back patio and laying down pavers. The patio was badly damaged from the harsh Central Oregon winters (cement just doesn't hold up to ice melt and freezing cold temperatures), and we really wanted something we could enjoy for the next year while we are building our next house. I anticipated Bryant being a little scared by all the workers and noise, but boy was I wrong!! The first step in the process involved a jackhammer to break up the patio. For those of you who haven't experienced a jackhammer, directly out your back door, it is very loud. Bryant was so excited, I literally couldn't pull him away from the back door. He spent the entire day glued to the backdoor in complete fascination. When I tried to put him down for a nap at 3:30, he was so worked up that he cried for, no joke, 45 minutes, before we gave up and let him get out of his crib, Bryant-1 Mommy-0. :-) I know Jeremy also appreciated the constant distraction that a smiling, excited little baby standing at the back door provided for his workers. They kept knocking on he window and watching him, it was quite cute.
Bryant observing the jackhammer and workers out the back door.
The patio is still a work in progress, but it is nearly complete today. The crew is working on the walkway around our garage and out to the driveway now and then they will have some planting to do, but it is looking really nice and is a much needed change.
The other big event in our week happened yesterday. Bryant had his first Barber Shop haircut! Jeremy and I attempted to cut his hair ourselves and we failed miserably.

We tried using a razor and I think the noise really freaked Bryant out. The Barber Shop wasn't a whole lot better, but he did get to sit in my lap, so I could help soothe him and hold him still and the Barber was a definite professional. He worked fast and efficiently and when it was all said and done, Bryant has a pretty decent haircut. The Barber didn't even charge us, he said first cuts are free, only in a small town!!
Bryant with his big boy haircut. He is really glad it
is all over with!!!