Okay, so I thought by my next post Bryant would be crawling, and he is close, but still not quite ready to move. He is an incredible scooter and sliding backwards on his tummy is definitely his specialty. I am amazed at how well he is already playing by himself. I can sit him in front of his basket of toys in the living room and the next thing I know every toy in that basket has been dumped out and is scattered in every direction and he can't reach any of them, enter Mommy to push everything back within reach. I decided to take some pictures of Bryant amidst the chaos of toys yesterday morning, he really does have a lot of fun just laying on the floor and pushing things around.
With Summer officially here, we have been spending more and more time swimming at the new pool in Black Butte Ranch. We have lots of fun there and usually run into a few other families we know from church or our neighborhood, so it has really turned into a fun gathering spot on hot days. Bryant's Grammie and GaGa (Jeremy's parents Judi and Jim) have been spending a lot of time on this side of the mountains visiting and enjoying their grandkids (and kids too I am sure!)
Here is a picture of Bryant hanging out at the pool with GaGa. It was a little chilly that afternoon, so we didn't swim, but we had fun hanging out with the family. Bryant really loves to watch the big kids splash around, they really keep him giggling!! I have managed to keep a hat on his little head most of the time mostly to shield the sun from his sweet little head, but when he realizes its there he usually tries to take it off. I have found baseball caps work best because they are the most difficult for him to get off. I think he looks adorable in any hat, but they are only useful if he keeps them on!! :-) 
In 3 more days Bryant will be 8 months old. I can hardly believe we are so near to his 1st birthday, where has the time gone? I LOVE being a mommy and Bryant's love and smiles makes me feel like a million bucks. Isn't a babies love amazing? They don't care if you've taken a shower or are having a bad day, they love you all the same.