You can see by these pics that Bryant is becoming better and better at finding his smile. Most of the credit however belongs to Mom. Last week Amy gave up dairy products in an attempt to help relieve some of Bryant's "tummy troubles." Dr. Bailey suggested this to help reduce the amount of gas he has. So far, it has made for a much happier baby. But you have to realize that giving up dairy means no chocolate, cheese, or pretty much anything else that actually tastes good over the holidays. This is no small sacrifice considering we usually launch an all out assault on our arteries by cramming whatever we want down our throats in the name of holiday gluttony. So being the supportive dad and husband that I am, I have been eating twice the chocolate, cheese, tums, etc. to help Amy cope. Everyone has to make sacrifices.
So in closing, please give Amy a virtual pat on the back and then eat an extra piece of fudge in her honor.
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!!!